Good news for heart patients

Good news for heart patients .  heart failure caused her breath to meet the five -year extension has been cleared . Doctors successfully transplant the first human artificial heart has failed to do , which is able to increase the patient's life by five years . The 75- year-old French doctors change a patient's poor heart was implanted artificial heart is the first in the world .

Popidu Georges Paris hospital , doctors performed the transplant intensive process . Artificial heart USP bound to the outside of the patient's body is driven by lithium ion batteries . To fully work like human heart tissue is made from cattle that part of it which is in direct contact with human blood . It is , therefore , not frozen blood in the arteries (blood Clotting ) possible. Became the first artificial heart due to the use of synthetic plastics such as blood Clotting there was a common complaint .
The French bio medical firm to design artificial heart Carmait according to chief executive Marshelo Kanviti , " We are excited by the first transplant . The real heart of this equipment will work for at least five years . It is completely different from pre-built into the artificial heart , which was built for temporary use . "
According to them , the real heart of the artificial heart beating regularly and also keep the flow of blood through the sensor . It weighs about three times higher than the human heart . The artificial heart is a little less than a kilogram , while the weight of a healthy adult 's heart usually weighs between 250 and 350 grams . The European aeronautic defense and space company artificial heart developed.


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